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How to Fix Too Many Redirects Error in WordPress

URL redirects are important when you need to change your website address permanently or temporarily. Due to this activity, sometimes your website is stuck in a redirection loop. If this problem occurs, then the ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS error appears on your WordPress website. This error restricts you to enter to specific pages of your website.

This problem usually occurs in browser, your website, server, programs or third party plugins. The common causes of this error are corrupt .htaccess files, misconfigured website URLs, outdated cache or plugins or themes conflict. Thanks to the solutions available to fix this redirection issue. When you know the cause of redirection WordPress issues, then you can easily find a solution and fix it.

In this guide, we will tell you the common causes of the too many redirects errors and solutions to fix them. So, let’s read it.

Understanding the ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS Error in WordPress

From understanding the “ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS” error to its causes and impact on your WordPress website, here we cover everything.

What Is the ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS or redirect loop Error?

Too Many Redirects Error is the error shown on your wordpress site. It means that the server incorrectly instructs the browser to switch between different URLs. It creates redirection loop where the browser tries to load pages and redirected it back and forth.

Common Causes

Here are some typical reasons for this error:

  • Incorrect URL Settings: If the URL and Site Address are not set properly in the General settings page of the wp-admin, then it causes a redirection loop error.
  • Plugin Conflicts: Nulled and Poorly coded plugins can create plugin conflicts and cause Too Many Redirects Error.
  • Corrupt .htaccess File: If your .htaccess file is corrupted with faulty rules or incompatible plugins, then it creates a redirect loop.
  • Hosting Issues: Hosting issues, such as firewall restrictions, outdated DNS records or malware policies are conflicts with WordPress and cause this error.

Impact on Your Website

If your website shows you Too Many Redirects Error, then you are unable to access this site. Visitors are unable to access to front end, and admins are unable to access to back end. It badly impacts on website functioning, as follows as:

  • User Experience: Visitors will not access your site, affects site quality and trust.
  • SEO: The redirection loop makes it tricky for Search engines to index and crawl your website. It affects your website traffic.
  • Performance: Redirection loops on your website take server resources and reduce site performance.
  • Revenue Loss: Too Many Redirects Error reduces search visibility and traffic. It reduces the revenue of your site.

Variations of the Error Across Browsers

The Too Many Redirects Error appears in different forms on different browsers. It has the following variations.

  • Chrome: “This page isn’t working. example.com redirected you too many times. ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS.”
  • Firefox: “The page isn’t redirecting properly.”
  • Safari: “Safari can’t open the page — Too many redirects occurred trying to open ‘example.com.’”
  • Edge: “This page isn’t working right now. example.com redirected you too many times. ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS.”

How to Resolve the Too Many Redirects Error

Once you understand the causes, impact, and variations of the Too Many Redirects Error, you are ready to resolve this error. Here, we tell you some troubleshooting ideas to solve this issue.

Note: You may not need to apply every solution. Begin with the first fix and check if the error is resolved. If it persists, move on to the next fix. Stop once the error no longer appears on your site.

Clear Browser Cookies and Cache

Caches allow the browser to store your site data locally and show it on return visits to boost load time. But sometimes, cached data are outdated. If redirection loop error was temporary glitch, then you can resolve it by look at cache version with error.

To ensure if clearing cache can fix this issue, clear your cache and refresh the web page. Checkout the given guides to know how to clear caches on different devices and browsers:

Follow the next solution if you still facing the same error

Clear Your Caching Plugin’s Cache

Caching Plugins are work to increase your site performance, but sometime it stuck your site in redirection loop. It causes a Too Many Redirects Error. So, if this error occurs, you should clear the caching plugin cache.

The clearing cache steps are vary based up on plugin you use, so you should check plugin guide. To simply clear cache, click on the “purge cache” or “clear cache” option in plugin settings.

Let us guide you to clear the cache in the W3 total cache:

Fix Too Many Redirects WordPress

After completing these steps, refresh your wordpress site again. If you are still stuck in redirection loop, then follow the next solution.

Verify Your WordPress URL Settings

Another cause of the ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS error is the wrong URL settings. The Site Address (URL)  and WordPress Address (URL)  are common culprits of this issue.

Site Address and WordPress Address must match to prevent this error. If it do not match, then you must correct URL, to resolve this redirect error.

fix ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS Error wordpress

If you can’t access to admin area on your WordPress site due to this error, then you must change the settings manually by using cPanel or FTP client. This method modify the wp-config.php file to apply to right URLs. Let us tell you how you can easily update URL settings by using FTP:

Update URL Settings Using FTP:

  1. Use the FTP client and connect to your server.
  2. Find the wp-config.php file in directory of your WordPress site.
  3. Keep copy of the wp-config.php file on desktop of your computer.

Next, open this file in text editor such as Notepad (On windows) or TextEdit (on Mac). Now, search for these lines:

define( 'WP_HOME', 'https://example.com' );
define( 'WP_SITEURL', 'https://example.com' );

Replace https://example.com  with your website domain name. After you make changes, save the files and upload them to your site. This method solves your problem if it cause because of improper URL.

If you do not find WP_HOME and WP_SITEURL definitions in your wp-config.php file, then copy and paste the code at the top of your file. So, ensure to first replace example.com  with your actual website URL.

Update URL Settings Using cPanel:

cPanel also helps you to update URL settings and fix redirect errors. For this, login to your hosting account and access it. The cPanel location are vary on basis of hosting service. Some hosting services also provide you own custom control panels.
Here are steps you should follow to find cPanel on your hosting service provider.

  1. Go to File Manager In cPanel.
  2. Go to the wp-admin folder.
  3. Now, find the wp-config.php file.
  4. Right-click on this file and tap on the Edit option.

Fixing a WordPress redirect loop

Now, a file opens in a new tab. You should check the file and look for the code snippet given below:

define( 'WP_HOME', 'https://example.com' );
define( 'WP_SITEURL', 'https://example.com' );

Cross-check check both URLs are correct. If you see it incorrect, then edit it match to your actual site address and click on Save button on top of page.

If you do not find the WP_HOME and WP_SITEURL definitions in your wp-config.php, then simply copy and paste the code snippets at the top of the wp-config.php file. Remember to replace example.com with your actual website URL.

Regenerate the .htaccess File

Corrupted or Conflicting redirect rules in .htaccess file can also cause ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS error. To resolve this error, you must delete the current .htaccess file and create a new file.
Here are the steps to follow to create new.htaccess file:

  • Log in to the hosting account and access to cPanel.
  • Go to File Manager > public_html and find the .htaccess file.

It is important file, so keep the copy in your computer as backup.

Common causes of ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS WordPress error

Once you keep a copy of .htaccess file, delete it from your site.
Refresh your page and try to access to your site now, to check if this error resolved. Moreover, wordpress automatically generate new .htaccess file, but still you should confirm it.
For this, open the WordPress dashboard, go to Settings → Permalinks, and tap on Save Changes.

disable all plugins to fix redirect issues wordpress

Disable All Plugins

Plugins conflicts are another major cause of ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS error.
To identify problematic plugins, you must disable all plugins temporary and check if it solve the issue.
As same as the above solutions, you can do it from the backend of your site.

  • Go to cPanelFile Managerpublic_htmlwp-content.
  • Right-click on the plugins folder and select Rename. Rename the folder to something like plugins_disabled.

It successfully disables all plugins on your site.

Fix WordPress admin login stuck in redirect loop

Check your site is the error is resolved. If the error is resolved, it confirms that it is because of a plugin conflict.
Next, you must identify the culprit plugin by following the given steps:

  • Rename the plugins_disabled folder back to plugins. It reactivates all plugins, and the too many redirects error occurs again.
  • Open the plugins folder and deactivating the plugins by renaming it one by one.
  • After deactivating all plugins, check your site. Eventually, the error will gone, and you easily know that the last deactivated plugin are reason for this error.
  • Once you’ve find that problematic plugin, right-click on folder and click on Delete option to permanently remove it.

FAQs about WordPress redirect loop issues

This error occurs when your website enters a redirection loop, causing the browser to fail in loading the page.

Incorrect URL settings, plugin conflicts, corrupted .htaccess files, outdated cache, and server issues are common causes.

Update the WP_HOME and WP_SITEURL values in the wp-config.php file or via the WordPress dashboard.

Yes, a corrupted .htaccess file can trigger redirect loops and must be regenerated.

Ensure the Site Address (URL) and WordPress Address (URL) match exactly in the dashboard.

Wrapping Up the Redirection Error in WordPress

The too many redirects error is occurs on your wordpress site, when your site are stuck in redirect loop. There are various reasons behind this error, such as outdated cache, misconfigured URLs, plugins or theme conflicts, corrupted .htaccess file.
Ensure to follow the above solutions to fix this redirect error. The above solutions guide by us consists purge cache from caching plugin, clear browser cache, update your site URL in wp-config.php file, delete the corrupted .htaccess file, disable plugins temporarily and remove tricky plugin. Still if you are facing issue related to login issue checkout guide to fix WordPress admin login issue.

Hope this guide helps you to fix this error. For more tips, tutorials, and updates, keep following blog regularly. If you need more assistance regarding the too many redirects error, then you can contact our support team anytime.

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