License Activation (PRO)
If you are using the Pro version of Spexo Addons for Elementor; then, you will need to activate the license in order to easily update to new versions of the plugin. Follow these guidelines while Activating License for Spexo Addons Pro.
Locating Your License Key #
NOTE : Before you begin, make sure that you have purchased Spexo Addons PRO.
First, login to your TemplatesCoder support account with your credentials. Under the ‘Licenses’ menu from your dashboard you will be able to see all the products you have purchased. From here you can get your license key under Spexo Addons.
You can also receive the license key via an email we will send you, which will include the key.
How To Activate License Key For Spexo Addons PRO #
NOTE : Before you begin, make sure that you have installed and activated Spexo Addons Pro plugin on your website.
Once you have installed Spexo Addons Pro, the next thing to do is to activation of your purchase. There are two ways to do this.
Alternatively, if you decide not to run the Setup Wizard, you will have to active manually, as shown in the section below.
Method 1: Using The Setup Wizard #
On a new install, the Spexo Addons Setup Wizard will run immediately after installation, and license activation is the last step of the Wizard. All you will need is your license key, as shown above.
Method 2: Manually Activation #
Alternatively, if you decide not to run the Setup Wizard, you will have to active manually, as shown in the section below.
Copy the license key as shown above and head back to your WordPress dashboard. Navigate to Spexo Addons → License. Under the this page you will see a input field where you can paste your license key.
After pasting your license key, click on the ‘License Activate’ button. Your license for Spexo Addons Pro will be validated and you will receive automatic updates.
Guide to Fixing License Key Authentication Errors #
In case you come across some errors while authenticating license key for Spexo Addons, you can take the following steps to troubleshoot your problems.
- If you get the error message ‘Invalid License’ or ‘License Expired’, then it means you need to renew your license key.
- If you cannot see that your license is activated, then try hard refreshing your page by clicking on ‘ctrl + f5’. You can also clear your cache and then reload the page to resolve the problem.
By following these steps you should be able to authenticate license for Spexo Addons Pro.
If you still face any difficulties, feel free to contact our support team for further assistance.
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